Bird Watching in Washington
For our bed and breakfast guests, each Suite has bird watching guide books and binoculars for your enjoyment to watch birds from your private deck, or for the more avid bird watcher, you can also take the bird watching guide books with you while you “take a hike” on our nature trail that winds around the property. You’ll be sure to see many species of swallows, warblers, and sparrows on your walk and most guests also see ospreys and even the occasional eagles. The trail winds down to Nason Creek where it is also very fun to pack a picnic lunch to bring with you during the warm summer months! Truly, this is a great place to be for Leavenworth, Washington birding opportunities. Come see for yourself!
For more information on all things to see and do in Leavenworth, download a copy of our free Vacation Guide or browse our Blog page!
Birdwatching in Leavenworth, Washington
(Click image to enlarge)

Leavenworth, Washington is one of the best locations for bird watching in Washington State, and many species of birds can be seen right here on our property at Pine River Ranch! Your suite comes complete with a Pacific Northwest Bird Watching Guide Book and binoculars so even an amateur can become a bird watching enthusiast! Leavenworth is a great bird watching location year round with vast range of habitats like snow-capped mountains, ponderosa pine forests full of sun, riparian zones and shrub-steppe. We are also home to the Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest throughout the month of May where you can hear birds sing songs that are only heard during this time period.
For the avid bird watcher who wants to venture further than our 22 acres at Pine River Ranch there are seven great sites recommended in the Bird Travelers Trail. Grab the guide at the Barn Beach Reserve at 347 Division Street and explore the waterfront park, Wenatchee and Icicle River and the Valley for more great Washington bird watching opportunities!
This summer the Wenatchee River Ranger District visited Pine River Ranch for a bird watching trip and spotted over 31 kinds of species on our property! They were kind enough to share their “ebird report” with us!
Wenatchee River Ranger District, eBird Report
Location: Pine River Ranch in Leavenworth, Washington
Weather: clearing after heavy rains of morning, pleasant. River rising, soils moist, vegetation in budding and in leaf. Birding by foot around Pine River Ranch on Bird Fest field trip Birds Of Bavaria (BOB).
Number of species: 31
Canada Goose: Birds Spotted: 21 Two sets of parents in pond with 2 sets of young; remaining adults in grasses.
Turkey Vulture: Birds Spotted: 2 Overhead flights.
Osprey: Birds Spotted: 4 Two nests seen from Pine River Ranch pastures, active with adults on or next to.
Rufous Hummingbird: Birds Spotted: 8 At feeders
Pileated Woodpecker: Birds Spotted: 1 Heard one from deep woods.
Olive-sided Flycatcher: Birds Spotted: 1 First of season hearing “quick, three beers”.
Dusky Flycatcher: Birds Spotted: 1 Visual and audio.
Steller’s Jay: Birds Spotted: 4
American Crow: Birds Spotted: 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow: Birds Spotted: 10 Mixed swallow group massing between barn and pond. Looks like nesting in holes in barn.
Tree Swallow: Birds Spotted: 10 Mixed swallow group massing between barn and pond. Looks like nesting in holes in barn.
Violet-green Swallow: Birds Spotted: 20 Mixed swallow group massing between barn and pond. Looks like nesting in holes in barn.
Red-breasted Nuthatch: Birds Spotted: 3
House Wren: Birds Spotted: 1
American Robin: Birds Spotted: 2
Nashville Warbler: Birds Spotted: 4 Heard and saw in shrubs near riparian and pasture shrubs.
Yellow Warbler: Birds Spotted: 5 Great views with binoculars and scopes, at pond in willows.
Yellow-rumped Warbler: Birds Spotted: 14 Excellent views of fly catching from cattails and willows over pond. Close up of “butter butt” by all. Found at house, pond, river.
Townsend’s Warbler: Birds Spotted: 2 Heard and saw in shrubs.
Spotted Towhee: Birds Spotted: 2
Chipping Sparrow: Birds Spotted: 2 In pasture shrubs.
Song Sparrow: Birds Spotted: 1
White-crowned Sparrow: Birds Spotted: 1 Mixed with Golden-crowned Sparrow in pasture shrubs.
Golden-crowned Sparrow: Birds Spotted: 3 Mixed with White-crowned Sparrow in pasture shrubs.
Dark-eyed Junco: Birds Spotted: 6
Western Tanager: Birds Spotted: 2 Excellent views with eye, binoculars and scopes – perching from willow over pond.
Black-headed Grosbeak: Birds Spotted 1 Singing over house
Red-winged Blackbird: Birds Spotted: 8 Mostly at pond, also heard more.
Brown-headed Cowbird: Birds Spotted: 5 On pasture fence-lines and tops of shrubs.
Purple Finch: Birds Spotted: 4 Birds very wet from rain, in shrubs near wetlands.
Evening Grosbeak: Birds Spotted: 4 At feeders and overhead flight.
A big Thanks to the Wenatchee River Ranger District for sharing your report with us and we look forward to your Leavenworth, Washington birding field trip next year!